Lumiworks-Photonics Ltd.
NDT Related Products
Lumiworks products for Non-Destructive-Testing (NDT) are focused on specialized fiber coupled LED light sources. LED fiber coupled products enabling dye penetrant inspection (penetrant testing) in internal surface of the objects by using industrial endoscope / videoscope or boroscope. Lightguide coupled LED light sources enabling inspection of metal casting parts.
365nm UV NDT Light
Source with Liquid Light Guide
The UHP-M-NDT is a filtered UV LED light source at 365nm for dye penetrant NDT. It supports NDT inspection via a light guide or thin fibers, making it also suitable for use with industrial videoscopes.
Fiber Coupled 365nm UV NDT Light Source with Thin Polymer Fiber
Lumiworks Fiber Coupled High Power Filtered UV LED is a self-contained light source including all the necessary electronics and thermal management.
Portable Fiber Coupled UV NDT Light Source with Thin Polymer Fiber
The portable, battery operated fiber-coupled high power UV LED light source designed for field application NDT inspection by Borescope.
UV Curing Light Sources
Lumiworks products for UV curing provide convenient tool for manual spot curing. Lumiworks offers product customization to variety of production environments and applications including specialized software support. The products available in wide range of custom wavelengths at UV, Violet or Visible.
UV Curing Light Source
The Cure-LED curing system is a simple user-friendly system for flood curing UV adhesives, coatings and inks. The LED head features the most advanced UV LED technology. Read more...
High Power Fiber Coupled LEDs
The UHP-FB-LED is a high-power fiber light source that is used for scientific and industrial applications. The product is optimal for use with fiber cores of 1mm and larger to harvest maximal output power. The product is available at many different wavelengths and White at several color temperatures.
The UHP-FB series standard features are: optically isolated TTL input for external triggering, Analog input, rapid warm-up and long lifetime

Lumiworks-Photonics Ltd. specializes in ultra high-power LED illumination systems for various industrial applications. Our systems incorporate the latest technology in packages that offer maximum versatility in light delivery and light sensing. We have a full range of products, including high-power fiber-coupled LEDs and UV LEDs.
Lumiworks experts work to understand each customer’s needs and then offer cost effective off-the-shelf or customized solutions based on our standard modular products.
Assaf Deutsch, PhD
Assaf Deutsch is a co-founder of Lumiworks and holds degrees in physics, biomedical engineering, and mechanical engineering. He has more than 18 years of experience in engineering, optomechanics, optical fibers, and fiber-optic product development. Dr. Deutsch has contributed to the development of several fiber-optic medical diagnostic devices as well as devices that use microfluidics and micro electro-optical mechanical systems (MEOMS).
Eliahu Pewzner, PhD
Eliahu Pewzner is a co-founder of Lumiworks and holds degrees in applied physics. He has more than 20 years of experience in biomedical spectroscopy, electro-optics, software, entrepreneurship, and medical device development. Dr. Pewzner has led several multidisciplinary R&D teams in projects that include a novel optical fiber based multi-parameter monitoring device for intensive care units and a live cell imaging system based on fluorescence microscopy.
Technical Docs
Head Office
Azrieli Center. Building B, 7th Floor
26 Harokmim St. Holon 5885849, Israel
Phone: +972-072-2500097
Fax: +972-072-2500096
E-mail: sales@lumi.works
North America Sales Office
18877 West 10 Mile Rd.
Suite 210
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: (248) 436-8160
Fax: (248) 281-5236
E-mail: sales.usa@lumi.works
European Sales Office
46 Addison Gardens
W14 0DU, UK
Phone: +44 (0)77 9172 9592
E-mail: sales.europe@lumi.works
Opto-Line, Inc.
1-24-1, Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku,
Tokyo 170-0013 Japan
Phone: +81 (0) 3-3981-4421
Fax: +81 (0) 3-3989-9608
E-mail: opl@opto-line.co.jp